Chapter Summary:
The Lord calls out to Samuel while he is sleeping by the Ark of the Covenant. After some confusion, Eli tells him to wait for the Lord's instructions.
The Lord reveals to Samuel that he is going to punish Eli and his family for sinning against him. Samuel tells Eli this message.
Samuel is confirmed as a prophet of the Lord.
Even when we have a "bad boss" we can do what is right by serving God, learning what we can from that person, and sharing the truth with those we serve.
"As Samuel grew up, the Lord was with him, and everything Samuel said proved to be reliable.” - (1 Samuel 3:19)
Have you ever learned something important from a difficult boss or a harsh parent? Could you have said something to them that would have helped them improve?
Visit the Google slides presentation covering the third chapter of 1 Samuel.
"Samuel Relating to Eli the Judgements of God upon Eli's House” by John Singleton Copley 1780 (Public Domain, source: wikimedia)