"After all, what gives us hope and joy, and what will be our proud reward and crown as we stand before our Lord Jesus when he returns? It is you!"

At the end of your life, what will count as your crowns? If we want to leave a legacy, what should it be? Some people think it is is quite an accomplishment to have a building erected with their name on it. Others believe it is honorable to leave a large sum of money for their grandchildren. While these things are not bad, and I'm sure your grandchildren will find ways to spend your money, perhaps there is something better we should be aiming for.
In 1 Thessalonians 2:19, Paul tells his readers that his reward and crown at the end of his life will be the people he ministered to. What he will be most proud of are the lives that he has impacted for God. Perhaps we should follow Paul's advice and consider who we are currently influencing in a positive way, and who else we might have an opportunity to serve. Your crowns should be your children, your neighbors, and all those you encourage on a regular basis.
(New Living Translation; photo credit: Pro Church Media via Unsplash)