"I have much more to say to you, but I don’t want to write it with pen and ink. For I hope to see you soon, and then we will talk face to face."

Third John provides us with some excellent advice. In his short letter to his friend Gaius, John indicates that he would like to communicate more, but concludes it would be best to speak to him in person rather than write a longer letter.
While it may be tempting for us to simply type up some thoughts and email them out, John notes that this is not an effective way to communicate. And interestingly, modern research supports John's perspective, Humans communicate more clearly and more effectively when we meet in person versus writing an email or sending a text message.
While it may be difficult in our busy, physically distanced world to take the time to meet with someone face to face, it's important to make this a priority. If you cannot meet in the same physical location, then at least use video conferencing software to communicate verbally and visually in real-time.
For this week's homework assignment, consider someone at work, in your family, or who is part of your social network that you could talk to in person. Send them an email or a text message asking them when would be a good time for you to meet in person or via video conferencing. If you feel especially inspired, tag 3 John 1:13-14 to the end of your written invitation. Including this Bible verse might just open up a more meaningful conversation; one that you can share in person.
(New Living Translation; photo credit: Wix media)