A Devotional Group for Men who Provide Physical and Emotional Care for their Spouse
A recent research article about men who provide unpaid care to others indicated that approximately 16 million men in the US provide informal care. Of this number, about 2 million provide care to their spouse or partner. The above cited research article notes that, "Compared to other family male caregivers, husbands provide more hours of care, tend to be the primary caregivers, and 78% have little to no support from other caregivers." Not surprisingly, stress is a significant issue for husbands in this role and they have weak support networks (source).
As a chaplain, I regularly meet men who are providing care and support to their ailing wives. Too often they are doing this without adequate assistance or encouragement. If you are in this situation, please consider being a part of the Caregiver Husbands Group.
This group of men meets once a week around the lunch hour via video conferencing. We use this time to discuss a Christian classic book we are reading. We also provide encouragement, support, and prayer for one another. There is also an option to leave comments in the group's private forum which can be visited by becoming a member. Site membership is free and can be accomplished by following this tutorial video which will show you how to sign up.
To learn more about this ministry or to request membership in this men's group, please reach out to me through the contact section of the About the Author webpage.
(beach image credit: Roberto Nickson via Unsplash.)

Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan
One of the most influential works of Christian fiction ever written. This book was published almost 350 years ago and has never been out of print. It is easy to read, accessible to a variety of ages, and yet offers deep theological insights.
See Wikipedia article for more information.
We will be reading the second edition of the book printed by Aneko Press and published in 2015. This edition includes engaging illustrations created in 1891.
This version can be purchased in digital form or in paperback from several online bookstores, such as Amazon.